Categories: Eye Care

9 Ways To Love Your Eyes

The eyes are one of the most remarkable parts of your body. They allow you to see and perceive the world around you. This organ lets you learn new things and helps you communicate with others. Proper care is vital to keeping your eyes healthy and avoiding various vision problems. 

A local optician shares nine ways you can show them some love.  

1. Practice Good Hygiene

The areas around your eyes are among the most delicate regions of your body. They require special attention due to their thinness. Only use mild cleansing products on cotton balls or pads for removing makeup and dirt around the eyes. Always be gentle to avoid irritation and keep your lashes healthy. 

Experts strongly discourage sleeping without removing your makeup. Accidentally falling asleep with makeup doesn’t usually cause long-term damage to your eyes and skin. However, making a habit of it can result in serious consequences to your eyes and vision. It can increase the likelihood of eye infections and even harm your lashes.  

2. Make Time for Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams can help in the early detection and treatment of vision problems. They allow your eye doctor to determine if you need to update your prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses. A comprehensive eye examination can also catch early signs of health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. 

During your appointment, expect your specialist to ask about your family history and lifestyle habits because they can affect your eye health in the future. How often you need to visit your eye doctor depends on your risk for eye disease. You’ll need to have your eyes assessed more frequently if you need vision correction, have a family history of eye disease and suffer from certain health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Moreover, it helps to ask your eye doctor questions about your vision and eye health during your visit. Ask them about your risk for eye diseases and vision problems. Determine signs to look out for that could indicate problems with your sight. After the examination, your eye care provider might talk about habits or activities that can benefit your eyes and overall well-being.

3. Wear UV-Blocking Eyewear

Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can hurt the cornea, retina, lens and lids. It can contribute to the development of cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye problems. When going outdoors, don’t forget to wear UV-blocking sunglasses. 

Invest in eyewear with at least 99% UV protection. Keep in mind that lens color doesn’t affect the ability of your sunglasses to block harmful sun rays. Wrap-around frames are great at protecting your eyes from UV rays. You can further shield your eyes from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

4. Eat a Balanced Diet

What you eat can impact your eye health. To your diet, include foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Add plenty of leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables to your daily meals. For instance, kale, spinach and Swiss chard are good sources of lutein. This antioxidant can help reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. There is also evidence that foods rich in vitamins C and A have beneficial effects on eye health. It’s the same for salmon, sardines, soybeans, nuts and other foods high in essential fatty acids. 

5. Choose Eyewear That You Love

You can express your style through your eyeglasses. Besides improving your vision, your glasses can make you look attractive because they accentuate the beauty of your eyes. They can also make you look more elegant and smarter. Just be sure that the frames you choose complement the shape of your face. 

You can always go with contact lenses if you don’t prefer eyeglasses. The great thing about them is they won’t clash with your outfits. You can switch up your look with ease with various lens color options. 

6. Take a Break From Screens

Many of today’s jobs require people to stare at screens for extended periods. Unfortunately, using digital devices for too long can cause digital eye strain. Among its symptoms are blurred vision, eye fatigue, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and dry eyes. 

You can alleviate discomfort from prolonged exposure to digital screens by taking frequent breaks throughout the day. Try the 20-20-20 rule, where for every 20 minutes, you take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Make a conscious effort to blink while using the computer to avoid dry eyes. Proper seating posture and good lighting can also help you get relief from digital eye strain.

7. Get Enough Sleep 

Sufficient rest is essential to good eye health. Sleep deprivation can cause your eyes to produce insufficient quality tears, resulting in dry eyes. It can increase your risk for eye infections and cause light sensitivity. Eye spasms and blurred vision are also usual consequences of lack of sleep. 

Aim to sleep for at least seven hours a day. It will help to avoid caffeine around six hours before bedtime. Digital screens can disrupt sleep, so it is best to stop using them an hour before sleep. Instead of scrolling through your phone, you can try reading. Another thing that can help you sleep better at night is regular exercise. 

8. Quit Smoking

You are up to four times more likely to develop eye diseases if you are a smoker. Long-term exposure to toxic chemicals in cigarettes can cause direct damage to the retina and other vital parts of the eyes. Smoking increases your risk for macular degeneration, cataracts and other vision-threatening conditions. Quitting this poor habit is significantly beneficial to your overall health. 

9. Keep Track of Vision Changes

If you notice changes in your vision, don’t wait long before scheduling an eye exam. Let your eye doctor know about sudden changes in your sight or if you’re experiencing discomfort. Eye care professionals will thoroughly assess your eyes, provide a proper diagnosis and recommend adequate treatment. 

Dr. Mary Ann Zastrow

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